Staff » Resources


QR Codes

To print a QR code for a Single Student:

  1. Visit
  2. Click on "Courses" and choose your class.
  3. Choose "Members" on the left-hand sidebar
  4. You are now presented with a list of students that are in your class.
  5. Choose the gear icon on the right side of the student's name who you desire to print a QR code for.
  6. Select "Print QR code".
  7. You may be prompted with a window that will confirm that you want to print the QR code.
  8. Click "Print" to confirm, a new tab will open where you can print the selected QR code.

To print a QR code for your class:

  1. Visit
  2. Click on "Courses" and choose your class.
  3. Choose "Print All QR codes" underneath the Access Code section on the right-hand sidebar
  4. Click "Print" to confirm, a new tab will open where you can print the selected QR code.       
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